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"Dynamikos sunglasses support children with vision issues." King5 news, Seattle

When I was asked if I would be interested in doing a morning show with Amity Adrissi of King5 news in Seattle, I answered with "heck yes, I would!".  And then the reality and panic set in.....I was going to do a morning show, with Amity Adrissi, on King5 news. On TV. I've never been on TV.  

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I was prepped with questions she may ask by my team....which I rehearsed with everyone (Thank you, Tiff, Tina and Carlos) over dinner the evening prior so that I would make sure I said all the right things under pressure.  I was so nervous that I didn't sleep the night before going over and over everything in my head.  

When we arrived at the station early the next morning, Amity and her team could not have been nicer and more helpful in making me feel as comfortable as possible.  And of course, not one question that I had rehearsed was asked, LOL! It was more of just a casual conversation and a way for local Seattleite's to know more about who we are and what we're doing.  It was scary and fun at the same time!  As we spoke the nerves settled and it wasn't so bad. 

Amity Adrissi, a native Californian, said she was moved to reach out after she saw that we are truly different in our mission and movement of empowering women. I'm so grateful that she acknowledged us and wanted to share it with her viewers.  She is the epitome of an empowered woman, empowering other women.

Here's the link to the morning show if you're interested. 

"Dynamikos pairs social responsibility with sunglasses by giving back a portion of their proceeds to help children with eyesight. The idea is to help the world and feel beautiful while doing it."

Thank you Amity for being so amazing! 


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Change the world, one vision at a time.

- Dynamikos